Where do I start? What service do I need? An estate sale? Are you not sure what you need but know you need help with your project? 

By answering the following questions, you will have a very good starting place for your project.

1. Is your home or estate full of collectibles, furniture and more? Does the entire content need to be sold/removed? IF YOU ANSWERED "YES", AN ESTATE SALE WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA!

2. Do you have items that you think might be worth something? Maybe a collectible, a piece of art or furniture, an area rug? Is the estate going through probate? Do you need an expert to come in and valuate the personal property and document this for division of assets? WE OFFER A FAIR MARKET VALUATION SERVICE OF YOUR ITEMS FOR A FEE. THIS SERVICE WILL HELP IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS.

3. Do you have items you wish to sell quickly but don't want the hassle of listing with Craigslist or other online sites? IF YOU ANSWERED "YES", WE COULD REFER YOU TO A LOCAL AUCTION HOUSE TO HELP WITH YOUR NEEDS.

Maybe you have another unique situation that isn't mentioned here.
Just CONTACT US for a free initial consultation!